Special Cooling Buffer Tank 500-1000 liters

Increased Flange Connections


Custom made tanks of bigger volumes and specified connecting flanges are available upon request.

Proper volumebuffer tanks are extremely important when designing, installing or upgrading cooling chillers.

Large storage volume is appropriate forretro fitting installation of high performance liquid chillers. Bigger tanks might not fit into the existing machinery room because of restricted door opening sizes. The solution for this problem is using several smaller tanks with bigger connections.The increased flanges offer lower flow resistance.

They can be utilized as pressureless headers of heating circuits as well.


The inside of the tanks is unfinished because there is no need for corrosion protection in the primer circuit. The outside of the tank is painted.


The insulation of the tanks is 20 mm thick, vapour retarder type, moisture and water resistant CFC-freepolyurethane foam with coloured, elastic outer PVC jacket.

Operating temperature range of the tank: 7-12 °C

Use of anti-freezer is required when operated at ambient temperature less than, mint -2°C.

Maximal operating pressure: 0,6MPa (6 bar)

3 years warranty on tanks


500 liters buffer tank:      
hűtési puffertároló 500 literhűtési puffer 500 liter
750 liters buffer tank:  
Hűtési puffer 750 literHűtési puffer 750 liter
1000 liters buffer tank:
Hűtési puffer 1000 literHűtési puffer 1000 liter
Product types
Q7 500 RG SPEC
Q7 750 RG SPEC
Q7 1000 RG SPEC


Product type:





